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Celebrating Earth Day at Coggin Sustainable Office Solutions: How We Protect Our Planet One Refurbished Chair at a Time

Sam Coggin • Apr 22, 2023

Embracing Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices in the Office Furniture Industry

Happy Earth Day, everyone! Today, we celebrate our planet and the many ways we can help preserve it for generations to come. At Coggin Sustainable Office Solutions, our commitment to office furniture reuse and environmental protection is at the core of everything we do. We believe that making a positive impact on the Earth begins with our everyday choices, and that's why we are dedicated to refurbishing and recycling used office furniture. In this blog post, we'll share some insights into how our practices help conserve resources and protect our environment.

Refurbishing: Breathing New Life into Used Furniture

The process of refurbishing office furniture starts by selecting high-quality, pre-owned pieces with potential for a second life. We then meticulously repair and update each item, ensuring it is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. By giving new life to used furniture, we prevent the need for manufacturing new products, thus reducing the energy consumption and waste associated with production.

In addition, refurbishing extends the lifespan of these items, which ultimately helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This is especially important considering the growing problem of furniture waste, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental concerns.

It is estimated in the UK alone we dump over 8,000 office chairs and desks in the landfill everyday according to data provided by Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

Recycling: Saving Resources and Reducing Waste

At Coggin Sustainable Office Solutions, we understand that not all used office furniture can be refurbished. When we encounter items that are no longer suitable for use, we carefully disassemble them and recycle their components. This practice ensures that valuable materials like metal, plastic, and wood are not wasted but instead reused in the creation of new products.

Recycling office furniture not only reduces the demand for raw materials but also decreases the energy used in manufacturing new products. This practice helps us conserve our planet's precious resources and reduce our overall environmental footprint.

Celebrating Earth Day Every Day

At Coggin Sustainable Office Solutions, we believe that every day is Earth Day. We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and are continually looking for ways to improve and expand our eco-friendly practices. Here are a few additional steps we take to protect the environment:

  1. Sustainable Transportation: We use fuel-efficient vehicles for deliveries and pick-ups, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and lowering our carbon footprint.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Our facilities are designed with energy efficiency in mind, utilising LED lighting, energy-efficient heating to minimise our impact on the environment.
  3. Waste Reduction: We promote a zero-waste culture within our organisation, encouraging employees to recycle and compost whenever possible.

As we celebrate Earth Day, let's remember that each of us can make a difference in preserving our planet. By choosing sustainable office solutions like those offered by Coggin, we can work together to create a greener, healthier future for everyone. Whether it's through refurbishing and recycling furniture, reducing energy consumption, or promoting waste reduction, our collective actions can have a significant impact on the environment. Let's celebrate Earth Day today and every day by doing our part to protect our precious planet.

Would you like to learn more about our sustainable office solutions? Get in touch today click here

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